Silver beauty and self-inflicted wounds

Carol Cizauskas is a former public radio reporter who has written for the RN&R since 1999.

I will miss the great good of Northern Nevada—the loved ones who changed my life for the better, the incomparable beauty of Lake Tahoe, the Sierra, and Reno itself, the vibrant and growing art scene, characterized by Artown and the Nevada Museum of Art. I wish for Reno a turn to social justice marked by economic fairness for all, not just the powerful elite of old and the new power brokers, the owners of high-tech moving to Reno and their workers imported from other states. I wish for Reno to grow its social structure to match the beauty of its natural surroundings.

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Published in Reno News & Review

Disunited states

A Bernie Sanders supporter describes her frustrating experiences at the Democratic National Convention.

I began to believe for the first time in the sacredness of my power as an American citizen and voter. I began to learn that standing for social justice was not only morally right, but was to be fought for. I began to understand that I would never again chip away at my soul by voting for a lesser evil. I knew from here forward, I would vote only for moral candidates who would fight for justice.
2016-07-25-2300 - Bernie's Convention Speech

The view from the Nevada delegates’ seats during Bernie Sanders’s speech the first night of the convention. PHOTO BY CAROL CIZAUSKAS

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Published in Reno News & Review